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Advanced TV Glossary

Advanced TV

The term “Advanced TV” is used to refer to television content, which is beyond traditional, linear TV delivery models. TV delivery platforms are shifting from traditional linear broadcast to IP-delivered and dynamically served ads and content. These advancements provide new opportunities for highly targeted TV Campaigns.

CTV or Connected TV

Television content sent to a connected device over the internet outside the closed networks of telecom and cable providers.

OTT or Over The Top

OTT media services are streaming media services offered directly to viewers over the Internet with no set top box or Over The Top. OTT bypasses cable, broadcast and satellite television platforms. There are 55 million OTT households in the U.S. and 56% of consumer’s TVs are IP connected

Addressable TV

The ability to serve different ad content to different audience segments watching the same TV program on IPTV and set top boxes, based on specific audience targeting in either live, playback, or VOD mode.

KPI or Key Performance Indicators

KPIs used in the evaluation of advertising or marketing campaigns are the indicators used to determine the success of advertising. CPC (Cost Per Click) is one of the most common KPI’s. CPV (Cost per View) is a common KPI used in Advanced TV metrics.

Targeted Advertising

Targeted advertising is advertising that is directed towards audiences with certain traits. These traits can either be demographic which are focused on race, economic status, sex, age, the level of education, income level and employment or they can be psychographic focused which are based on the consumer’s values, personality, attitudes, opinions, lifestyles and interests. Targeted advertising is focused on certain traits and the consumers.